Improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles used to be an exercise in futility. Over the years, billions of dollars have been invested in lotions and potions that make big claims yet rarely yield noticeable results. Enter Botox. This cosmetic injectable debuted as a wrinkle relaxer in 2002, and since then has been changing the way we think about skincare. But despite its track record, there are still a lot of misconceptions about it. If you’ve been on the fence about trying Botox, here are 5 common myths and the truth about this innovative skincare treatment!
Myth #1 – It’s Toxic
Botox is a neurotoxin that is derived from Clostridium botulinum, which is an organism found in nature. Because it is largely inactive, it poses very little risk. In fact, even though Botox debuted in 2002 as a cosmetic product, it’s been in use since the 1980s, and has been proven to be very safe ever since.
Myth #2 – If You Stop, Your Wrinkles Will Get Worse
Botox will not make your wrinkles worse; in fact, using it regularly has been shown to gradually improve them on untreated skin. While you will need to redo your injections in about six months, any worsening of your lines is likely due to the natural aging process and not the Botox itself.
Myth #3 – Botox and Fillers Are the Same
Botox is not the same thing as fillers; fillers are typically made of hyaluronic acid and plump up fine lines and wrinkles. Conversely, Botox freezes the muscles, temporarily relaxing your lines and wrinkles.
Myth #4 – Botox Will Make My Face Freeze
While it is possible to overdo Botox and have a temporarily frozen-looking face, this occurs from an over-dosage and should not happen with a well-trained, qualified injector. This is why it is so important to receive your injections from a dentist or doctor, and not from a med spa or mall kiosk.
Myth #5 – Botox is Painful
The needle used to deliver Botox injections is very small and fine. While you will feel a slight pinch during treatment, it is very fast, and very well tolerated. A skilled dentist or doctor should be able to deliver your injection as quickly and painlessly as possible.
Remember, Botox is a safe, effective way to temporarily reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. With a time-tested history of noticeable results, you can take years off your face all without investing copious amounts on lotions and potions that don’t actually work!
About Our Practice
In addition to providing a full suite of dental services, the father and son team at the helm of Northbrook Dental Group now offer Botox injections for patients looking to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. While it may seem odd to get Botox from your dentist, consider this: who else knows how to create harmony and balance to your face than a dentist? Not only that, but Dr’s Woodruff and Woodruff have an extensive knowledge of the muscles of the face and know how to deliver your injections with a light, even hand.
To learn more about Botox, schedule a consultation by visiting our website or calling us today at 847-272-0049.